
3 Things To Redefine Your Current Job

As a coach, I can’t tell you how often I encounter highly skilled professionals who absolutely hate their jobs.  It’s the “quitting and staying” phenomenon – physically, you’re in the firm, but mentally and emotionally, there’s nobody home.  Some of them are grossly underutilized; these are the guys stuck in their cubicles making boring PowerPoint presentations while leadership builds the accounts.  Others see no way up the ladder, and still others work on teams that just aren’t all rowing in the same direction – for that matter, some of them aren’t even rowing the same boat. . .

Pamela Skillings, bestselling author of Escape from Corporate America, has put together an interactive quiz based on her book to help you figure out if you’re one of the lucky employees who rank as “ridiculously satisfied” or if you’re in serious need of a career intervention.

If you find that your job satisfaction level leaves something to be desired, it may be time to assess your role in your organization (“your team”) and find creative ways to change how you feel about what you do.  Even if you really do hate your job, there may be ways to turn things around without having to escape your company. . .

Here are three things to redefine your current job:

1. Learn to say no. Don’t get bullied or coerced into doing your coworkers’ work for them.  It’s beyond ridiculous.  Your time is valuable, and you shouldn’t have to clean up others’ messes.  All it takes is one word. Say no.  Mean it.  And stop explaining yourself.  Being a team player is about team results…and not the same as letting others take advantage of you.

2. Connect with your coworkers. Whether you’re a CEO or an executive assistant, it’s pretty difficult to love your job if your team isn’t working together.  Start sharing information that may help your coworkers get leads or gather client intelligence.  Invite your boss to join your LinkedIn network.  Just start connecting.

3. Start gathering client intelligence. Without the right information, pursuing clients can seem like a numbers game where the odds are stacked against you.  Do a Google search, work your social networks, and read up on the issues that drive your clients’ business.  You may find out that your job is a lot more interesting when you’re providing solutions instead of simply selling widgets.


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