If you hesitate to be disruptive, move along.


If you believe in operating “by the book,” or following formulas, RESET is not the place for you.

We are looking for team members with confidence and outstanding emotional intelligence. People with a strong desire to meet challenges — those who never stop learning. If this is you, welcome to the road less traveled.

Positions available:

Account Development Coach
Experienced in dramatic change management. Emotionally mature. A thick skin and the capacity to be the bad guy (when the situation calls for it). Committed to long-term, sustained coaching of our Smart Clients, and empowering them to create faster, more sustainable revenue growth through our proprietary methodology, The Connection Process.

Is this you?

Episodic Coach
If you are a top leader in your field who has been itching to speak your mind about the poor experience most service providers deliver during the selection process — WE WANT YOUR HELP. If you are an executive who prefers to sleep through sales conversations with service providers because they all sound the same – WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE. If you are a trustee for an institution you love, and it kills you to watch service providers miss the mark again and again – SPILL THE BEANS.

Tell your clients what you really think?

Client Connection Project Manager
You have a unique perspective and an opinion worth sharing. You can handle direct feedback with grace, and know when to push back. You can hold people accountable, you’re comfortable in a supporting role, but you also know how to be a driver. Most importantly, you love doing research and you can connect the most unusual dots.

We want you to join our meritocracy.

Email your resume to Maurielle Balczon.