By brendacray
We are all salespeople in some way or another. Maybe you are trying to “sell” a new idea for a project to your co-worker or you are trying to “sell” your spouse your ideas for the next family vacation. This is all selling and whatever your service (project or idea) it is important to have […]
By Kevin Cray
On Tuesday January 17th, Wayne O’Neill and Associates facilitated a project delivery partner session related to higher education institutions in the Southeastern US. The main topic of discussion was how to leverage facilities and asset management to help solve difficult issues in the higher education market. In attendance were some big players in the higher […]
By Wayne O'Neill
After decades of research on achievement, Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson suggests that successful people reach their goals because of what they do, not just because of incredible intuition or talents they possess. Specifically, successful individuals do at least nine things differently: Set specific goals. Recognize and seize the moment to act on goals Honestly and […]
By Kevin Cray
Wayne O’Neill teaches a series of classes at the University of Houston Construction Management Program at the junior and senior level. The classes are part of the School of Technology and co taught with Professor Lana Coble. The intent is to enable students graduating with a construction management degree to more quickly impact the respective […]
By Kevin Cray
October 14, 2011–Service Providers are looking for ways to collaborate more effectively in order to develop creative solutions that meet the needs of today’s most competitive owner institutions. Last week at our exclusive, invite-only Project Delivery Partner (PDP) Session the Wayne O’Neill & Associates team facilitated a discussion around the most pressing business and political […]
By Maurielle Balczon
Collaboration for a better environment was the theme spearheaded by architect Van H. Gilbert and his affiliates at this year’s Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conference. Together with the energy solutions team at Johnson Controls (JCI) and strategic account development firm Wayne O’Neill & Associates (WOA), Van and his collaborators delivered an energy conservation initiative […]
By Kevin Cray
“Collaboration is a process, not an event” (Adam Richardson, blogger, Harvard Business Review). The importance of collaboration is for the advancement of collective knowledge; the collective source from which to pull ideas and meet like minds creates opportunities that would not otherwise exist. This source is constantly in evolution and must be fed by active […]
By Wayne O'Neill
You know by now that I’m passionate when it comes to connecting – and, with so many great, business-oriented social networking sites out there, it seems like it’s easier than ever to keep up with your connections – current and former colleagues, business partners, and clients. But, unless you are actively working your network and […]
By Wayne O'Neill
Panicked yet? Done cutting dead weight from your delivery teams? Have you slashed your sales and marketing budget by 60-80%? …Now what? Believe it not, not every service provider in most markets is taking the draconian measures that always seem to make sense during times of fear and uncertainty. But how do we get back […]
By Wayne O'Neill
What do you think of when you hear the word “innovation”? Do you imagine groundbreaking new products and services? Brilliant, game-changing leaders who fly in the face of conventional wisdom with astounding results? If you do, you’re not alone. But, you may be thinking too big. In his recent article in The New Yorker, James […]