By Kevin Cray
On April 3, 2012 the Wayne O’Neill and Associates’ custom software received a pivotal upgrade that integrates with the WOA Dashboard. This will allow our clients to be able to view client intelligence documents that the WOA team has gathered over time that support the way we think. The documents that will be integrated will enhance a big part of our process, which is managing business and political issues of your target clients…
By Wayne O'Neill
When things aren’t working, change needs to happen. For change to happen, someone has to act differently. That sounds simple. The challenge is first to figure out what to change and then to motivate people to want to start behaving in a new way or to move in the new direction that you want them to go. You can announce changes. You can explain how the changes will take place and why they are important, but if you can’t motivate people to actually change, you will meet resistance or failure. By applying the change management concepts similar to what is presented in the book, Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, we have found counterintuitive ways to help our clients make transformative changes successfully.
By Wayne O'Neill
Have you ever unknowingly sabotaged your own ability to build trust and loyalty? You are not alone. This happens in relationships and in business. Left untouched, these failures can lead to losing your business or your relationship. Implementing these powerful practices at pivotal moments can transform fears into triumphs, trust and loyalty.
By Maurielle Balczon
Given the new set of expectations encapsulated by ACO requirements, health care systems have been asking themselves “How do we effectively respond to the ACO process?” Murmurs from the owner side of our practice indicate that many hospitals believe the answer lies in collaboration.
By Kevin Cray
Our clients are always asking us how we seem to know so much information. The answer is quite simple…we like to read…A LOT! Managing all of this intelligence was difficult until we jumped into “the cloud”. We are always coming across newspaper and magazine articles that provide information on specific client targets, market segments and insights into “thinking outside the box.”
Here are a few things we look for while reading:
• What specific problems are being faced in the industry? How can they be avoided or solved?
• What are the best in class companies doing to differentiate themselves from their competitors?
One tool we use to manage all this information is ….
By Wayne O'Neill
You only get one chance at a first impression. How do you craft that first impression to make it impactful? Coaching and preparation are the keys. Knowing your target client’s style can make all the difference.
By Wayne O'Neill
Each of us has attended tedious, boring or ineffective meetings that we dreaded and couldn’t wait to finish. Each leader knows the importance of meetings and wants them to make an impact. But how do you do that? The powerful and thought-provoking book, Death by Meeting, by Patrick Lencioni centers itself around solving one of the most painful problems in business. It offers a blueprint for how to eliminate waste and frustration among your teams and create environments of dynamic, passionate, and focused engagement.
By Kevin Cray
Do you remember participating in the best meeting of your life, but once everyone left the room, it was as if nothing ever happened? One of the biggest commonalities that we see happening in the marketplace is lack of follow up after meetings. The most successful meetings in business development are the ones that have action items when all is said and done…
By Kevin Cray
Qualities to Look for in “Friends” Do you remember your best friend in high school that swore they would never tell your deepest secret, only to turn around and tell someone else five minutes later? Not only did they tell one person, but by the end of the day, the whole school knew about it. […]
By Wayne O'Neill
Today’s great companies have more than profit in mind. Great companies today understand that their business is an intrinsic part of society. They invest in the future while actively building on people and society. According to ongoing research on admired and financially successful companies in more than 20 countries on four continents, Rosabeth Moss Kanter […]