By Wayne O'Neill
Companies experiencing mounting competition, financial crisis, or disruptions around its edges need to change often and regularly in order to survive and thrive in today’s market. The business model changes constantly and will continue to change in this business environment. Therefore, learning to adapt and transform becomes critical to success.
By aleneolson
“We’re moving towards a post-PC enterprise where users want to have access anywhere, work everywhere,” said Whitney Bouck, Enterprise General Manager at Box and keynote speaker at the Box World Tour: “Experience Business Without Boundaries”…
By Wayne O'Neill
Technology is becoming 1) more personal and 2) more mobile, thus changing the expectations we have about how we can do business. Create a collaborative environment by…
By aleneolson
Data and research CIOs and IT leaders need to align IT strategy with institutional strategy, plan new initiatives, manage, and operate their organizations effectively in changing times….
By Kevin Cray
Managing Big Data and utilizing it in a way to compete are a few of the biggest challenges for higher education IT departments…
By Wayne O'Neill
How are you doing at working with different kinds of people? How do you grow your company when people are speaking so many languages? Bringing diverse perspectives from the technical and nontechnical worlds together produces some of the most creative business solutions and innovative results…
By aleneolson
Major changes in the energy industry and how they impact business… highlights by Wayne O’Neill after participating in the Australian American Chamber of Commerce 5th Annual Energy Conference in Houston…
By Wayne O'Neill
Change is inevitable. Think of what you are wearing at this moment. Did you wear that to work 10 years ago or even 5 years ago? Many of my friends and neighbors now work online from home offices. Not only has our attire changed, but the way we do business has changed…healthcare is undergoing reform…higher education’s future is being transformed. In all this change, how do we hang on to what is most valuable and let go of the parts that are no longer working?…
By Wayne O'Neill
When true leaders speak, we listen. When they lead, we follow. Why? Though some CEO’s would say they became a leader through sheer luck or simply being in the right place at the right time, most successful leaders demonstrate a set of skills beyond technical or managerial….
By Wayne O'Neill
Creating new work is an art. According to Seth Godin, author of “The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?” and seven more best selling innovative books, unique speaker and successful entrepreneur, “Art isn’t something you hang on the wall. Art is what we do when we’re truly alive.” Ask yourself these 3 questions and consider these 9 ways to succeed…