By Wayne O'Neill
There’s a popular phrase in business development that I want to tackle today. It goes like this: Time kills deals. I call it a cliché carefully, because there is some important and fundamental truth to it. When a project starts to drag, it’s a sign that things are going sideways and the deal is going […]
By Wayne O'Neill
Scripting is a technique we teach all of our clients — from CEOs to technicians. It’s deeply interwoven into The Connection Process … and it can mean the difference between success and failure in that first call with a new client. In a nutshell, scripting is proactively planning to hook the client in the first […]
By Wayne O'Neill
“Lead generation” is the buzzword of the day, it seems. Everyone wants to know how to improve the output of their lead generation systems and processes. Lead generation is focused on volume — getting as many leads in the door as possible. Generating leads for your business is a good thing. But it’s only one […]
By Wayne O'Neill
Your clients are throwing up smokescreens when it comes to doing business with you — and they don’t even know they’re doing it. Here’s the truth: Your clients often don’t really know what their problem is. They often don’t know what they want or need. So they certainly won’t understand that your solution will save […]
By Wayne O'Neill
You’ve exchanged business cards with a sophisticated, complex prospect you’d give your right arm to work with. You know you can help them. Next step: Call them and set up a meeting. Right? Wrong. This is exactly where so many firms get off on the wrong foot with sophisticated clients. This approach is standard. Common. […]
By Wayne O'Neill
During an interview I recently gave for a Win Writing Masterclass, I was reminded of the frustration that led me to where I am today. I was working at an architecture firm, and I saw how the RFP process absolutely destroyed all the work our firm put into winning work. I learned the hard way […]
By Wayne O'Neill
Most successful companies are using some kind of CRM (customer relationship management) tool … And it’s making them miserable. It’s making their jobs harder. Using it to do a typical revenue pipeline review is an exercise in frustration and futility. Stop the madness. Activity does not equal results, and data does not equal connection. […]
By Wayne O'Neill
It’s a fresh new year, and a fresh new chance to reset your thinking. There’s one area in particular I want you to really think about this month – because it’s going to impact every account development and revenue growth activity: Your go/no-go decision-making process. It’s broken. You’re losing revenue. And I’m going to fix […]
By Wayne O'Neill
At the end of the year, people often get focused on assessing results. They determine if they have had a winning record, if they’ve sold more accounts, if they’ve increased revenue by a certain percentage. They get obsessed with lagging indicators. These might be the numbers you report to your superiors or your stakeholders, but […]
By Wayne O'Neill
You’re constantly stressed about top-line revenue. Your business development and sales teams are stuck in “we’ve always done it this way” mindsets. You want to launch to a new market, but you have no idea where to begin. Revenue is on the decline. You’re ready to start working with partners focused on the greater good […]