By Wayne O'Neill
After decades of research on achievement, Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson suggests that successful people reach their goals because of what they do, not just because of incredible intuition or talents they possess. Specifically, successful individuals do at least nine things differently: Set specific goals. Recognize and seize the moment to act on goals Honestly and […]
By Kevin Cray
“Collaboration is a process, not an event” (Adam Richardson, blogger, Harvard Business Review). The importance of collaboration is for the advancement of collective knowledge; the collective source from which to pull ideas and meet like minds creates opportunities that would not otherwise exist. This source is constantly in evolution and must be fed by active […]
By Wayne O'Neill
Panicked yet? Done cutting dead weight from your delivery teams? Have you slashed your sales and marketing budget by 60-80%? …Now what? Believe it not, not every service provider in most markets is taking the draconian measures that always seem to make sense during times of fear and uncertainty. But how do we get back […]
By Maurielle Balczon
Why is Change Management so hard? Because it requires us to replace habits which make us comfortable, with ones that are foreign to our zone of normal confidence. It also requires a huge amount of individual responsibility. With this comes a bit of natural human fear about trying something new, what if at first we’re not good at it or not entirely sure of what we’re doing?
By Wayne O'Neill
As a coach, I can’t tell you how often I encounter highly skilled professionals who absolutely hate their jobs. It’s the “quitting and staying” phenomenon – physically, you’re in the firm, but mentally and emotionally, there’s nobody home. Some of them are grossly underutilized; these are the guys stuck in their cubicles making boring PowerPoint […]
By Wayne O'Neill
As I’ve said before, team building isn’t about company picnics or having drinks after work. Those things are all fine, but they don’t necessarily make for a good “connections” team.
Getting your team connected – and communicating – with each other is what makes a winning team. Three-time NBA champions like the San Antonio Spurs know that this is as true in sales as it is in sports.
By Wayne O'Neill
“Do you ever get that strange feeling of vuja de? Not déjà vu; vuja de. It’s the distinct sense that, somehow, something that just happened has never happened before. Nothing seems familiar. And then suddenly the feeling is gone. Vuja de.” George Carlin, 1937-2008 Whether you were a fan of the late George Carlin or […]