
Knowledge Management and Collaboration

By Kevin Cray

Our clients are always asking us how we seem to know so much information. The answer is quite simple…we like to read…A LOT! Managing all of this intelligence was difficult until we jumped into “the cloud”. We are always coming across newspaper and magazine articles that provide information on specific client targets, market segments and insights into “thinking outside the box.”
Here are a few things we look for while reading:
• What specific problems are being faced in the industry? How can they be avoided or solved?
• What are the best in class companies doing to differentiate themselves from their competitors?
One tool we use to manage all this information is ….

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Crafting Your First Impression

By Wayne O'Neill

You only get one chance at a first impression. How do you craft that first impression to make it impactful? Coaching and preparation are the keys. Knowing your target client’s style can make all the difference.

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Meetings That Inspire & Improve Performance

By Wayne O'Neill

Each of us has attended tedious, boring or ineffective meetings that we dreaded and couldn’t wait to finish. Each leader knows the importance of meetings and wants them to make an impact. But how do you do that? The powerful and thought-provoking book, Death by Meeting, by Patrick Lencioni centers itself around solving one of the most painful problems in business. It offers a blueprint for how to eliminate waste and frustration among your teams and create environments of dynamic, passionate, and focused engagement.

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Importance of Follow Up

By Kevin Cray

Do you remember participating in the best meeting of your life, but once everyone left the room, it was as if nothing ever happened? One of the biggest commonalities that we see happening in the marketplace is lack of follow up after meetings. The most successful meetings in business development are the ones that have action items when all is said and done…

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Making Genuine Friends

By Kevin Cray

Qualities to Look for in “Friends” Do you remember your best friend in high school that swore they would never tell your deepest secret, only to turn around and tell someone else five minutes later?  Not only did they tell one person, but by the end of the day, the whole school knew about it.  […]

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What Do Successful Individuals Within Companies Do Differently?

By Wayne O'Neill

After decades of research on achievement, Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson suggests that successful people reach their goals because of what they do, not just because of incredible intuition or talents they possess. Specifically, successful individuals do at least nine things differently: Set specific goals. Recognize and seize the moment to act on goals Honestly and […]

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Doing It Together To Do It Better

By Kevin Cray

“Collaboration is a process, not an event” (Adam Richardson, blogger, Harvard Business Review).  The importance of collaboration is for the advancement of collective knowledge; the collective source from which to pull ideas and meet like minds creates opportunities that would not otherwise exist.  This source is constantly in evolution and must be fed by active […]

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Connecting With The Leadership Level

By Wayne O'Neill

Panicked yet? Done cutting dead weight from your delivery teams? Have you slashed your sales and marketing budget by 60-80%? …Now what? Believe it not, not every service provider in most markets is taking the draconian measures that always seem to make sense during times of fear and uncertainty. But how do we get back […]

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Shaping the Path: Change Management

By Maurielle Balczon

Why is Change Management so hard? Because it requires us to replace habits which make us comfortable, with ones that are foreign to our zone of normal confidence. It also requires a huge amount of individual responsibility. With this comes a bit of natural human fear about trying something new, what if at first we’re not good at it or not entirely sure of what we’re doing?

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3 Things To Redefine Your Current Job

By Wayne O'Neill

As a coach, I can’t tell you how often I encounter highly skilled professionals who absolutely hate their jobs.  It’s the “quitting and staying” phenomenon – physically, you’re in the firm, but mentally and emotionally, there’s nobody home.  Some of them are grossly underutilized; these are the guys stuck in their cubicles making boring PowerPoint […]

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Revenue Growth Workshops

Stewardship to Equity