By Wayne O'Neill
How do we really know why companies excel? Is it luck? Did they do something extraordinary? Is it just the environment? Were they prime for the right market at the right time and rode the wave? In Harvard Business Review, Michael Raynor and Mamtaz Ahmed from Deloitte tackled the question: “How do we know what makes a company exceptional?” …
By Wayne O'Neill
The “traditional” business model is no longer working. Why? Competitors are now global and come from younger, fast growing markets who approach business differently. Overarching these challenges is the need to successfully hire the right people, work effectively with leadership and manage today’s multi-generational workforce…
By Wayne O'Neill
What does it take to become one of Fortune’s “Best Places to Work”? Is it worth investing in employee satisfaction? How can you keep employees happy, which in turn keeps clients happy, which ultimately improves your bottom line? Most experts say that real job satisfaction is more than benefits or perks…
By aleneolson
The Association of University Research Parks (AURP) brought together top senior-level research park professionals and revealed transformational trends and partnerships. In a recent interview, Wayne O’Neill summarized the top 5 transformational trends…
By Wayne O'Neill
As the need to strengthen and stimulate local economic activity grows, more and more public officials, municipal leaders and public sector agencies are seeking private sector businesses to develop, capitalize and operate public private partnerships to build roads, repair bridges, manage new projects, construct and repair facilities and purchase new technology…
By Wayne O'Neill
Companies experiencing mounting competition, financial crisis, or disruptions around its edges need to change often and regularly in order to survive and thrive in today’s market. The business model changes constantly and will continue to change in this business environment. Therefore, learning to adapt and transform becomes critical to success.
By Wayne O'Neill
Technology is becoming 1) more personal and 2) more mobile, thus changing the expectations we have about how we can do business. Create a collaborative environment by…
By Kevin Cray
Managing Big Data and utilizing it in a way to compete are a few of the biggest challenges for higher education IT departments…
By Wayne O'Neill
Change is inevitable. Think of what you are wearing at this moment. Did you wear that to work 10 years ago or even 5 years ago? Many of my friends and neighbors now work online from home offices. Not only has our attire changed, but the way we do business has changed…healthcare is undergoing reform…higher education’s future is being transformed. In all this change, how do we hang on to what is most valuable and let go of the parts that are no longer working?…
By Wayne O'Neill
Have you ever prepared a powerful presentation full of energy and your best sales points, only to be interrupted one minute into the presentation by an impatient executive who looks at his cell phone and asks, “So what’s the bottom line?” Presenting to an executive team has the potential to open tremendous doors of opportunity. However, in order to pass the glance test, keep their attention and reduce interruptions, senior executives have shared with us some things they wish you knew for a successful dialogue.