
The Emerging, Powerful Attribute of Today’s Leader

By Wayne O'Neill

America is crying out for new kinds of leaders in each political party, at all levels of society and in every organization. Leadership is the essential force behind any successful organization. Effective leaders help generate vital and viable organizations that can develop and mobilize into new visionary roles in today’s society. Great leaders are the ones with vision, who inspire others and cause them to galvanize their efforts and achieve change. What traits do great leaders radiate?

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Connecting Effectively to Transform Your Business Growth

By Wayne O'Neill

One challenge that all our of our clients encounter in different ways at different times is realizing an opportunity and not knowing how to effectively get “in the room” and access though executive business and political drivers. That grasp of those issues get us” in the room” with the top decision makers who have the power to write the checks. We interviewed Anthony Polusny, a principal at Meyer Borgman Johnson who has been working with Wayne O’Neill & Associates and recently experienced some breakthrough transformations that have burst open doors of opportunity and helped them change their game in ways that build sustainable growth.

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Higher Education: Navigating Through Changes

By Wayne O'Neill

Online education is soaring past traditional colleges in astronomical proportions. At the same time, funding from traditional revenue streams is diminishing rapidly. As a hot topic at both the SCUP 47 Conference and NACUBO 2012 Annual Meeting, the trend of less funding and increased online education impact how higher education operates now and their success in the future…

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Learning From Olympic Athletes…Good Coaching Gives A Competitive Advantage

By Wayne O'Neill

Olympic athletes are guided, taught, pushed, critiqued, and encouraged by coaches to both develop and apply their skills to the highest degree under intense pressure to gain the competitive advantage. If this is what is required for winning at Olympic games, here is a way to gain a competitive advantage and success in business…

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High Performance Motivates Giving

By Wayne O'Neill

In a time when healthcare leaders are concerned with the impact of value-based purchasing initiatives on reimbursement in addition to concerns over the recovery of our nation’s economy, it may be easy to miss a prime opportunity in the big picture financially. The key question: How can your healthcare organization live up to its mission to provide excellent care to patients while making strategic financial investment decisions that build consistent service excellence in such a way that it will strengthen the bottom line?…

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A New Strategy to Grow Your Business With Multiplying Results and Benefits

By Wayne O'Neill

Do you wish you had keys to the castle to unlock your companies account development potential? I am not talking about some “pie in the sky” fairy tale, but a practical, “down to earth” approach that one of our clients recently experienced and said was “more powerful than prospecting.” If you have ever waited for hours in a booth at a conference for someone to take interest in your product or services or even stop to take a look at what you have to offer, then you have probably also wondered…what would be a more effective way to reach out, open doors, find potential customers, get our message across and make a lasting impact? One of our clients recently stepped out of the booth with Wayne O’Neill at SCUP 47 and experienced a game changing strategy of connecting with new clients so powerfully that it transformed his whole approach to account development with multiplying results and benefits…

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Smart Small Group Engagement Improves Meeting Productivity

By Wayne O'Neill

Imagine this. You are invited to a brainstorming meeting with top level executives regarding a new product that you are going to help market. So you show up a little ahead of time and carefully choose a seat at the boardroom table. The CEO arrives on time and begins the discussion. You listen intently as the meeting starts to unfold. The CEO surveys the room, then suddenly stops and focuses in on you. “Who are you?” the CEO says. You introduce yourself and explain why you are there. The CEO replies, “I don’t think we need you in this meeting. Thanks.” Then as you pack up and make the long trek from your seat to the boardroom door, the CEO continues as if you never existed. What just happened, you wonder? What did I do? What should I have done differently?…

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Creatively Funding Higher Education in Today’s Market

By Wayne O'Neill

Tumultuous times are here for many institutions of higher education. Traditional revenue streams are being cut. University cost structures are under increased scrutiny. More competition for students causes increased needs for state-of-the-art facilities and increased demand for revitalization and alternatives in student housing. Globally, countries are trying to keep the brightest and best students within their home country, so the full tuition global money stream is drying up. However, successful colleges and universities are positioning themselves to grow. How can leadership in higher education rise above the tumult and achieve their goals?…

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How to Win the Competitive Advantage

By Wayne O'Neill

Every organization tries to be as smart as possible in terms of strategy, marketing, finance and technology. You want to create different value propositions and distinguish yourself from your competitors. Ultimately, you want to draw a parallel to the business differentiators and how your organization can use them to gain the competitive advantage. The challenge today is that it is hard to be smarter than the next organization. Even if you establish an advantage in strategy, marketing, finance or technology, competitors can duplicate it quickly. Information and ideas spread so quickly today that you need more to maintain a competitive advantage.

According to successful businessman, leading consultant, and best-selling author, Patrick Lencioni, in his newest book, The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business, many have knowledge and understanding of strategy, marketing, finance and technology, but not enough health within the organization to use that knowledge to gain a competitive advantage….

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Boosting Your Willpower to Achieve Business Success

By Wayne O'Neill

Nike says, get out there and “just do it.” Sounds easy. So, you think up great plans for your business, creative ideas for new products or services, and a marketing strategy that is sure to succeed. But, for some reason, you do not put any of them into action. Why? Is it “lack of time” or “distractions” or “higher priorities” or is it that your willpower is depleted which prevents you from sticking to your goals and making them reality?

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Revenue Growth Workshops

Stewardship to Equity