
Leadership is Art

By Wayne O'Neill

When true leaders speak, we listen. When they lead, we follow. Why? Though some CEO’s would say they became a leader through sheer luck or simply being in the right place at the right time, most successful leaders demonstrate a set of skills beyond technical or managerial….

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The Art of Creating New Work

By Wayne O'Neill

Creating new work is an art. According to Seth Godin, author of “The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?” and seven more best selling innovative books, unique speaker and successful entrepreneur, “Art isn’t something you hang on the wall. Art is what we do when we’re truly alive.” Ask yourself these 3 questions and consider these 9 ways to succeed…

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The Value of Disruptive Dialogue to Grow Your Business

By Wayne O'Neill

A generation ago, people used to often sit around a table to eat, discuss, debate and solve problems. Today, we may sit together in the same room and people text each other. Is dialogue dead or just different today? What valuable role can disruptive dialogue play in growing your business? ….

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Change Your Thinking For Creative Business Solutions

By Wayne O'Neill

The pressure is on. You have to turn it around to not only survive, but thrive. You cannot change the game by continuing to do what no longer works. So what do you do? How can you reinvent yourself? Where do you begin? How do you create business solutions that are sustainable? Change the game by changing your thinking.

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What Senior Executives Wish You Knew

By Wayne O'Neill

Have you ever prepared a powerful presentation full of energy and your best sales points, only to be interrupted one minute into the presentation by an impatient executive who looks at his cell phone and asks, “So what’s the bottom line?” Presenting to an executive team has the potential to open tremendous doors of opportunity. However, in order to pass the glance test, keep their attention and reduce interruptions, senior executives have shared with us some things they wish you knew for a successful dialogue.

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Effective Change Management Begins With The “Last Mile”

By Wayne O'Neill

As the speed of change continues to increase, change management is a fundamental competency needed by managers, supervisors, and organization leaders. As we coach owners, we find that you want help competing with other companies and customers as you can no longer rely on historical successes and processes. To be effective in today’s market, you need to repackage and gather client intelligence from your frontline technical and operations teams as well as leadership and sales & marketing teams . Avoid the temptation to jump to tactics immediately while trying to uncover solutions. Take time to examine the basics that your organization has to offer that is of value to clients. Follow these steps for success:

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The Special Sauce for Success for Leaders

By Wayne O'Neill

In working with leaders, we have discovered that many organizations have been frustrated that they cannot solve their problems by just handing leaders a new directive, a new book, or sending them to a new one-day management program at the Hilton. The truth is that each organization is uniquely complex, therefore no one has a “Cure-All” or special sauce that will solve all your problems. Even so, here are some tips from a recent issue of Fast Company magazine entitled “How to Lead in a Time of Chaos” by Roberta Mauson on how great leadership is created and a special sauce ingredient from Richard Branson, founder and chairman of Virgin Group of more than 400 companies and the fourth richest citizen of the United Kingdom, according to Forbes 2011 list of billionaires.

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6 Steps to the Top Demand Adventure

By Wayne O'Neill

While safely guiding organizations through the turbulent seas of change and facilitating enhanced teamwork in organizations by helping them build ‘cultures of authenticity’, Jeff Salz, keynote speaker at the recent TCUF conference, encourages adventurous thinking in order to create a truly meaningful workplace and presents a unique perspective on taking risks while laying out a roadmap for change.

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Winning the Execution Game Using Moneyball Strategies

By Wayne O'Neill

When it comes to executing your plan, have you ever felt like you are trying to drive forward by watching your rear view mirror? We know you want to see progress, but are your time and energy being devoured in the whirlwind of urgent activities to maintain day to day operations that you run yourself ragged trying to measure everything and wonder if you are even moving forward? If most of your numbers are lag measures (after the fact), it does not mean that you are a poor leader, it means that the game has changed and you need help executing a winning strategy. In these changing times, you may relate to Mickey Mantle when he said, “It’s amazing how much you don’t know about a game…you’ve played all your life.” At a time when companies and organizations are discovering that they must do more with less, we have found important lessons for the world of business in the book/movie Moneyball.

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